Drumroll please…


We interrupt your Labor Day for a brief announcement….

Congratulations, Sylvia for being the winner of the “Ministry in Words” Survey. You should get a $25 gift card giveaway via email if you haven’t already. Much appreciate you venturing upon this little blog as an email reader and taking the time to fill out the survey.

Thank you all for your participation in the “Ministry in Words” Survey. I received some great feedback about what you’d like to see on this blog and loved getting to know each of you. Some great topic suggestions have been submitted, including the question of why there’s suffering in the world. Click here to read and join the discussion). Others commented that they would like to read about the subjects of forgiveness, pride, and finding our way back to God, to name a few. I take each suggestion to heart and I will write about all of these topics.

You may now return to your previously scheduled day!

Happy chillin’ and grillin’ to everyone enjoying a day off, and props to everyone else who is actually laboring today.

Margaret  aka “Margo”

PS. Just because the survey is over doesn’t mean you can’t continue to make suggestions for improvements and topics to post. Just send me a note at or make comments in any previous posting. I truly enjoy all of your own postings and thoughts.


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