


God wants us to have assurance of our salvation. We shouldn’t live our lives worrying whether we are truly saved. At the same time, we shouldn’t have a false assurance based on feelings, works, profession, or tradition either. Many claim to be saved because they identify with a Christian culture or upbringing, which has nothing to do with the state of someone’s heart before God.

There will never be a more important issue in anyone’s life than where they will spend eternity.

That’s why I wanted to write today.

If you struggle with assurance of your salvation, I pray this litmus test will help. Please go to the Lord in prayer and soul-searching, as you consider the following:

  1. Do you trust that Jesus is the Son of God, died and resurrected for your sins? (John 20:31)
  2. Do you believe that He is the only way to eternal life? (John 14:6)
  3. Are you leaning only on Him for your salvation, and not of your own merit in any way? (Ephesians 2:8-9)
  4. Do you know that you are on the road to hell without Him? (John 5:24)
  5. Do you submit to God’s will and rulership in your life? (Luke 14:27)
  6. Is there a pattern of decreasing sin in your life, and a growing distaste for it? (2 Corin. 3:18)
  7. Are you broken over the weight of sin in your life? (Matthew 5:4)
  8. Do you view life as a fleeting vapor, designed as the journey towards our true home? (James 4:14)
  9. Do you feel disconnected with this world and its values that contrast with God’s word? (1 John 2:15)
  10. Are you willing to turn from anything that you put ahead of him in your life? (Luke 14:33)

“If you declare with your mouth ‘Jesus is Lord’, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved’ (Romans 10:9).

To believe in Jesus with all your heart is to live out that faith daily. We may not be perfect, but a believer strives to walk away from anything that hinders His Spirit within us. He holds a dedication completely to the Lord, which is not just lip-service, but a love generated by gratitude and a desire to serve him. Someone who simply acknowledges Christ with no investment is not walking in true faith. A good example is Judas Iscariot. He looked to be a believer but ended up betraying Jesus. Even the demons “believe”, (that is, they have the knowledge that Jesus is Lord) and shudder. (James 2:19).

While our good deeds and works cannot save us, they are evidence of our faith. Jesus said that “every good tree bears good fruit” (Matthew 7:17). In other words, someone who professes to be a believer but continues in willful, unrepentant sin has not chosen Christ. We can’t assume someone else’s heart, or the pace of his/her journey, but I think it is important to be concerned if they don’t have a conscience about sin over a period of time.

We must examine our own hearts. Jesus said that eternal life is a narrow path, found by “only a few”, (Matthew 7:13-14). That’s a pretty sobering thought. There is an admonition in scripture to “examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you–unless, of course, you fail the test?” (2 Corin. 13:5).

Have you come to a place in your life that you know for certain that you have eternal life? If something happened today, and God asked you why He should let you into his heaven, what would you say?

Suggestions for Prayer: Confess your trust in Jesus alone for salvation, and your life to daily reflect your faith.

If you have truly made that confession, pray for a rekindled joy in your heart for him. Pray for assurance from God’s word that nothing can snatch you out of his hand, (John 10:28), and for the discipline to live in obedience. Stand firm against the wiles of the enemy. Thank the Lord for all the spiritual blessings that you have in Him, and pray to use them for His glory.